November already?! As you heard, I have recently moved to Accra, Ghana! And of course, right as I've done so that's when Dogs BOND has started shipping. We are thrilled and our backers are already receiving copies of their games!
We are working now to build out the custom URLs for each rescue in the pack, that way we can ensure that any sales from our products are attributed to the individual rescues on your virtual stores. Of course, if someone purchases the game or our products through directly, we'll be dividing those out amongst all of the rescues - that way all participating rescues will get something no matter their size.
For November I've compiled the upcoming global hashtags and trends that I hope will inspire some of our rescue partners in their content creation this month. If you see a day and a global hashtag that you want to use, go ahead! Let us contribute our likes, retweets, and shares to you - just tag us using @dogsbondgame on any of your posts!
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are still listing us as robots when we like/follow as many of the rescues as we do - so please like/follow us using your social media first so we can hit that "Follow Back" button.
@dogsbondgame on all of your favorite social media
Adopt a Senior Pet Month:
Something we can all agree on, is that often times the sweetest dogs that are already trained and a little older in the foster and rescue system. Give them a shoutout! No official hashtag so maybe let's use our own!
National Senior Pet Month:
Easily coupled with Adopt a Senior Pet Month, perhaps a good opportunity for our rescue partners to share some success stories! Similarly, no official hashtag to use.
National Pet Awareness Month:
Definitely another opportunity to celebrate our fur family members.
Pet Cancer Awareness Month & Pet Diabetes Month:
Both of these can be managed, but if your rescue has any tips and tricks to managing these conditions for animals it might be worthwhile to share as a series of tips. We'd love to reshare!
National Peanut Butter Lovers Month: Okay, so you don't need to be an animal for this, there are plenty of humans that fall into this category. Got a photo? Please share!
Week of November 1: #AnimalShelterAppreciationWeek
Most of our pack members don't view themselves as an animal shelter, however many of us have opened up our own homes and backyards to as many animals as we can. This week is for you, and we see you.
Week of November 7: National Animal Shelter and Rescue Appreciation Week.
It is with the deepest appreciation that we thank all rescues, of all sizes, for their continued efforts in improving the lives of animals.
Nov 7: National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day - I'll be honest I don't know much about this one so I'll be looking things up!
Nov 11: #VeteransDay. A day to thank both veterans and the military service animals.
That's what we've found for this upcoming month of November!
Did I miss anything? I welcome thoughts, feedback, and of course ideas on how I might be able to build this into a greater resource for rescues! Have a great November!