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Dogs Bond Board Game

Social Media for Rescues: Nov 2022


By now, the animal awareness and rights organizations should have ideas around your holiday fundraisers. Let Dogs BOND know how we can support and co-sponsor social media posts and engagement.

This is a list of November's upcoming global hashtags and trends that I hope will inspire some of our rescue partners in their content creation this month. If you see a day and a global hashtag that you want to use, go ahead! Let us contribute our likes, retweets, and shares to you - just tag us using @dogsbondgame on any of your posts!


Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are still listing us as robots when we like/follow as many of the rescues as we do - so please like/follow us using your social media first so we can hit that "Follow Back" buttons.

@dogsbondgame on all of your favorite social media


Nov. 6-12: #NationalAnimalShelterAppreciationWeekTake a tour to a local animal shelter to witness firsthand how things work. Get involved by finding out how to volunteer or donate to the upkeep of the animals it caters for.


Nov. 1: #InternationalPetGroomerAppreciationDay - It was created to be a means to promote the grooming industry and all of the professionally skilled groomers in the world. Post and tag your groomers in your community on social media.

Nov. 7: #NationalCanineLymphomaAwarenessDay - Lymphoma is one of the most common forms of canine cancer. This day reminds us to stay vigilant and to check our dogs regularly, so that we can potentially head off any problems before they arise. Take your pet to the vet today for check-up and specifically ask if your friend is at risk.

Nov. 12: #WorldAnimalEnrichmentDayEnrichment helps reduce the risk of health problems that often occur in domestic animals. It also makes the animal more comfortable and less stressed, which makes it easy for them communicate their needs. Discuss what enrichment activities you can do for your dog, maybe while you play the enriching game Dogs BOND.

Nov. 16: #NationalSlobberAppreciationDayPeople always often ask, why do dogs slobber or drool. It’s really something about which everyone who knows dogs has seen and often laughs at, but few truly appreciate or understand.

Nov. 17: #NationalBlackCatDayAs unbelievable as this sounds, black cats are about half as likely to be adopted as other cats! This is silly but true. Show some love to a homeless or abused black cat or kitten by contacting your local animal shelter to find one in need of a good home.

Nov. 18: #NationalFelineInfectiousPeritonitis (FIP) AwarenessResearchandEducationDay – FIP is a mutation of a benign virus found in the intestines of most cats, symptoms maybe loss of appetite, fever. It's always good to ask your healthcare provider about these specific items to make sure you've got the history noted down and history captured.

Nov. 23: #Wolfenoot - Celebrates the Spirit of the Wolf and kindness. It’s a day that encourages people to be kind to animals, especially dogs as they are descendants of the wolf. Howl with your dog and see what they do.

Nov. 24: #NationalBorderCollieDayThe border collie is one of the most talented and hardworking dogs there is. He’ll impress you with his intelligence and win you over with his eagerness to please. They also very good in games, play Dogs BOND with it today and you be surprised how good they are (both in the game and in real life).

That's what we've found for this upcoming month of November!

I'd love to get your thoughts, feedback, and of course ideas on how I might be able to build this into a greater resource for rescues! Have a great November!

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