Last year I was packing up to leave for Ghana. What a time that was! I hope this note finds you happy and healthy. I think the Fall season is coming to the US, and I miss it. There's only tropical weather here, and I don't think I've worn long pants in a year!
The reason why I'm putting this together in a slightly updated fashion and earlier is to keep you aware of the opportunities to celebrate and stay positive about rescue. It's easy to get into the zone of always seeking and asking for funds; but it's important to give the communities we serve something more to think about, including education.
This is September upcoming global hashtags and trends that I hope will inspire some of our rescue partners in their content creation this month. If you see a day and a global hashtag that you want to use, go ahead! Let us contribute our likes, retweets, and shares to you - just tag us using @dogsbondgame on any of your posts!
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are still listing us as robots when we like/follow as many of the rescues as we do - so please like/follow us using your social media first so we can hit that "Follow Back" buttons.
@dogsbondgame on all of your favorite social media
Sept. 1: #GingerCatAppreciationDay - There’s nothing quite like having a furry footed feline friend bombing around the house and being the best buddy a person can ask for. Dogs may be man’s best friend for some, but cats can sometimes be better snugglers. Show us your ginger cat!
Sept. 5: #CanineEnrichmentDay - Looking for some ways to keep your dog happy, healthy and busy? If so try adding in a few mentally stimulating canine enrichment games & activities to your dog’s daily routine. Mental stimulation enriches our dogs' lives by giving them something meaningful and challenging to do.
Sept. 8: #NationalDogWalkerAppreciationDay – This day celebrates the men and women who walk millions of miles each day, exercising and entertaining mankind’s furry, four-legged friends. Dog walkers everywhere deserve a little extra gratitude today.
Sept. 9: #HappyDogDay - Celebrating happy dogs around the world. Who is the happiest? Why do they make us happy? Share stories of happy dogs and how we can make them happy.
Sept. 11: #NationalPetMemorialDay - Today we remember the furry companions that have passed away, these wonderful creatures provide companionship, emotional support and lots of joy. Share photos of your pet that passed on and share a memory you had with it.
Sept. 17: #ResponsibleDogOwnershipDay - This is a day on which people are encouraged to educate themselves on their responsibilities as a pet owner and are also encouraged to forge a tighter bond with their pets. When a person gets a dog, they are not only responsible for providing them with adequate housing, clean water, and food, but they’re also responsible for their grooming, training, veterinary care, and their socialization. Owning a dog isn’t easy, but discuss some of the things that make the experience a responsible way to care for an animal.
Sept. 18: #LoveYourDogGroomerDay - Pet Groomers are extremely compassionate individuals that have an incredible amount of love and passion for this career! They deserve to be celebrated as a vital member of the pet professional community. Celebrate this day by posting and tagging your groomers on social media and get them a lovely present for your appreciation.
Sept. 19: #NationalMeowLikeaPirateDay - Cats are a sign of good luck, and believed to be good luck for pirates too! Today is a special day to dress your cat up like a pirate and post it on social media for all your friends to see your pirate kitty.
Sept. 22: #NationalWalknRollDogDay - Today we honor all of our mobility-challenged pets! Whether they use wheels, strollers, drag bags, or something else we honor them and the life lessons they bring! Show us your Walk ‘n Roll pet!
Sept. 23: #AdoptedDogDay - This day is a reminder for people all over the nation to make an effort to help an animal at a pet shelter. Many people live alone and having a pet is indeed one of the best things to keep them company. Share stories, pictures, or videos with your pets on social media and create awareness among people about how cool it is to have a pet. Use #AdoptedDogDay and inspire people to go to a shelter and adopt some pets!
Sept. 24: #WorldsLargestPetWalk - The World’s Largest Pet Walk helps fund the Pet Partners’ Therapy Animal Program, which includes visiting therapy animal teams that provide comfort and delight to public patrons. Share photos of your walk on social media using the hashtag #WorldsLargestPetWalk.
Sept. 25: #NationalSchnauzerDay - Every day is a day dedicated to all things schnauzer when you're owned by one, but even better is their own dedicated day to share our love of schnauzers, big or small!
We want to celebrate all things schnauzer on 25th September, a day devoted to the love of this very special breed, so let's get social and share our stories, our photos, our adventures, our top grooming tips and get schnauzers trending!
Sept. 28: #WorldRabiesDay - It is celebrated annually to raise awareness about rabies prevention and to highlight progress in defeating this disease. Educate yourself this day and share your knowledge with others.
That's what we've found for this upcoming month of September!
I'd love to get your thoughts, feedback, and of course ideas on how I might be able to build this into a greater resource for rescues! Have a great September!