Dogs BOND is still picking up momentum! Here's where we're going to be on the next two weekends - one virtual expo that usually happens in NYC, and the following weekend would normally be in Hawaii! We're officially coast-to-coast!

Dogs BOND is going to be featured at the Game Devs of Color Expo! It's a great opportunity to celebrate and innovate with other creatives who are s passionate as we are to push the conversation about diversity, inclusion, and representation in games as we are! Get your ticket today!
Alex will be managing the virtual "booth" and he'd love to talk to anyone who wants to chat!

Dogs BOND will be featured speakers at the upcoming virtual events of KawaiiKon!
Being a female artist in a male dominated industry
SATURDAY SEPT 26: 12pm HST / 3pm PDT / 6pm EDT
Passion Projects in a Pandemic
SUNDAY SEPT 27: 12pm HST / 3pm PDT / 6pm EDT
Kawaii Kon Virtual is excited to announce a partnership with Comic Con Honolulu and Kauai Comic Con to bring you even more content next weekend! Stay tuned for panel announcements and more ways to stay in touch. Here's a hint: we're Twitch-ing to show you what we've got!